Month: June 2023

  • The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

    The Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

    Readings: Micha 7:18-20 | 1 Timothy 1:12-17 | Luke 15:1-10 Text: Luke 15:1-10 What God says about Himself makes all the difference. If we start with the idea of what we think God is like, or what we think He would or should do, we will quickly fall into error. The Church is perpetually plagued…

  • Second Sunday after Trinity

    Second Sunday after Trinity

    Readings: Proverbs 9:1-10 | Ephesians 2:13-22 | Luke 14:15-24 Text: Luke 14:15-24 Lutherans are known for their potlucks (or “covered dish dinners” if you don’t want to mention luck). It brings people together at church. Eating is something we all have in common, regardless of differing opinions or backgrounds. In fact, it’s a widely-known church…

  • First Sunday after Trinity

    First Sunday after Trinity

    Readings: Genesis 15:1-6 | 1 John 4:16-21 | Luke 16:19-31 Text: Luke 16:19-31 In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Last week, we confessed in the Athanasian Creed, “Whoever desires to be saved must, above all, hold the catholic faith.  Whoever does not keep it whole and undefiled will without doubt perish eternally.”  Today, we…

  • The Holy Trinity

    The Holy Trinity

    Readings: Isaiah 6:1-7 | Romans 11:33-36 | John 3:1-17 Text: John 3:1-17 You may think that faith is just a mental activity. It all happens in the mind, which assents to the proposition that there is a God, that this God is so favorably disposed toward us that He decided to send His Son into…