Tag: Matthew 15:21-28

  • Reminiscere (Second Sunday in Lent)

    Reminiscere (Second Sunday in Lent)

    Text: Matthew 15:21-28 Last Sunday, we heard Jesus teach us about His victory over the Devil on our behalf, and how we draw comfort in our own temptations and weakness as the Devil assaults us.  Today, He teaches us about prayer.  When it comes to the great examples of prayer in the Bible, you might…

  • Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost (Matthew 15:21-28)

    Bethlehem Lutheran Church & Bethel Lutheran Church, Lebanon & Sweet Home, OR Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost + August 20, 2017 Text: Matthew 15:21-28 The Psalmist, David writes in Psalm 25:6, “Remember your mercy, O Lord, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.”   And it’s true: God always remembers us. The harder…