Tag: Tenth Sunday after Trinity

  • Tenth Sunday after Trinity

    Readings: Jeremiah 7:1-11 | Romans 9:30-10:4 | Luke 19:41–48 Text: Luke 19:41-48 Zeal can be a beautiful thing.  I have to say it is exhilarating being at Higher Things in the worship services with hundreds of voices exultantly singing beautiful, poetic meditations on the Word of God.  With our voices declaring the mighty works of…

  • Tenth Sunday after Trinity (Luke 19:41-48)

    Bethlehem Lutheran & Bethel Lutheran Church, Lebanon & Sweet Home, OR Tenth Sunday after Trinity + August 5, 2018 Baptism of Liam John Buresh Strehlo Text:  Luke 19:41-48 The question sometimes arises: What’s the difference between Israel of old and the Christian Church? More to the point, what happened to Israel and all the things…