Passion Reading Schedule

Day 1 Matt 26:1-46
Day 2 Matt 26: 47-27:28
Day 3 Matt 27: 29-66
Day 4 Mark 14:1-72
Day 5 Mark 15:1-47
Day 6 Luke 22:1-38
Day 7 Luke 22:39-71
Day 8 Luke 23: 1-56
Day 9 John 18:1-27
Day 10 John 18:28-38
Day 11 John 18:39-19:16
Day 12 John 19:17-42

With all the disruption brought by recent events in the world, this is still a sacred time for us as Christians. Easter draws near, and as our Lord reminded His disciples just before His betrayal, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

So lifting up our eyes, I encourage us to use this time to meditate on our Lord’s passion according to the four evangelists. This reading schedule was published by Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, IN, and I pass it on to you.

In order to help you in this devotion, I will post a video reading the assigned section for the day.


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