Category: Enrichment

  • Called to Confess

    ~ Redeemer Lutheran Church, Gresham, OR ~ ~ Friday Session~ Text: Romans 13:1-10 People love to be free of the burden of authority.  School kids count the minutes before the bell on the last day of school.  College freshmen rejoice to be free of their parents’ rules when they move into their own space.  Women…

  • New Revelation Bible Study

    The daily Bible study podcast, The Word of the Lord Endures Forever, by Pastor Will Weedon is starting on the Book of Revelation. If Revelation has ever left you uneasy or scared, Pastor Weedon’s teaching style might bring you some much needed clarity.

  • The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus Teaches the Church

    Bible Study on Matthew and Adult Information Class Mondays from 6:30-8:00pm ~ 12 Sessions The Gospel of Matthew was God-breathed for the purpose of teaching the Church to know Jesus Christ to be the very same God who revealed Himself in what we now call the Old Testament, and His work to be that ultimate…

  • Passion Reading Schedule

    Day 1 Matt 26:1-46 Day 2 Matt 26: 47-27:28 Day 3 Matt 27: 29-66 Day 4 Mark 14:1-72 Day 5 Mark 15:1-47 Day 6 Luke 22:1-38 Day 7 Luke 22:39-71 Day 8 Luke 23: 1-56 Day 9 John 18:1-27 Day 10 John 18:28-38 Day 11 John 18:39-19:16 Day 12 John 19:17-42 With all the disruption…

  • Hymn Notes (3rd to Last Sunday of the Church Year)

    LSB 655 Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Your Word is a children’s hymn that Martin Luther composed in 1541-42. At that time, the Evangelical (later called Lutheran) church was under ongoing threat by those loyal to the pope. In addition, the advancement of the Turks into the region of Budapest brought war to the eastern…

  • Hymn Notes (All Saints Day)

    Jerusalem the Golden, written by Benedictine monk, Bernard of Cluny (France), echoesthe hope of all the faithful. Based on visions from Revelation 21 and 7, “we know not what joys await us there,” but it will be our eternal Sabbath rest andhome with our God. In Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones, we sing of…

  • Baptized, but Not at Church

    24 “When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, and finding none it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ 25 And when it comes, it finds the house swept and put in order. 26 Then it goes and brings seven other spirits more evil…

  • February 2018 Newsletter Article – Lead Us Not into Temptation

    From the Pastor: Lead Us Not Into Temptation   We are familiar with this prayer, because the Lord taught it to us.  But what are we really asking for?  Is there a chance that God actually would carry us into temptation?   Luther explained it well in the Small Catechism: “God tempts no one. We…

  • Christians United: A Brief Commentary

    On August 29 of this year, a group of conservative Christian leaders released a biblical statement about LGBT matters called the Nashville Statement.  A little over a day later, a dissenting group who is strongly in favor of LGBT inclusion in the Christian Church released a statement under the name Christians United. The Church has…