Month: June 2022

  • Second Sunday after Trinity

    Readings: Proverbs 9:1-10 | Ephesians 2:13-22 | Luke 14:15-24 Text: Luke 14:15-24 If it wasn’t true before the pandemic, it is certainly true now: We are a people who are at odds with one another.  Family members alienated from one another, friendships strained and breaking from sharp disagreements, and a media culture that would rather…

  • The Feast of the Holy Trinity

    Readings: Isaiah 6:1–7 | Romans 11:33–36 | John 3:1–17 Text: John 3:1-15 (Isaiah 6:1-7, Romans 11:33-36) Trinity Sunday is a feast day to remember that God is transcendent, and in many ways for us, unknowable.  He’s greater than us, and not just in the way that a king is greater than his servant, because He…

  • The Feast of Pentecost

    Readings: Genesis 11:1–9 | Acts 2:1-21 | John 14:23-31 Text: John 14:23-31 We often think of the Day of Pentecost in the past tense.  Around May 11 in the year 33 (or 29),[1] “they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it…