Tag: Lent 2 Midweek

  • Lent 2 Midweek (Isaiah 44:21–28)

    Lent 2 Midweek (Isaiah 44:21–28)

    Return to the Lord, Who Has Redeemed You Isaiah 44:21–28   Sermon Outline Return to the Lord, For He Alone Redeems You from Slavery. You are a slave to sin and its consequences. You have been redeemed by the Lord; you are free. III. You are free, so rejoice with singing. Sermon It’s one of…

  • Lent 2 Midweek (Luke 11:14-23)

    Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Lebanon, OR Lent 2 Midweek – March 15, 2017 Text: Luke 11:14-23 The Second Petition “Thy Kingdom come”   Martin Luther wrote about this petition: “Just as God’s name is holy in itself and yet we pray that it may be holy among us, so also his kingdom comes of itself without…