Tag: Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

    Readings: Isaiah 29:11–19 | Ephesians 5:22–33 | Mark 7:1–13 Text: Mark 7:1-13 In the time of Jesus, the Pharisees were the religious guard for the nation of Israel.  After the time of the Exile, and coming out as champions for righteousness after the Maccabean revolt, they held the Scriptures in the highest regard.  However, they…

  • Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost (Romans 12:9-21)

    Bethlehem Lutheran Church & Bethel Lutheran Church, Lebanon & Sweet Home, OR Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost + September 3, 2017 Text: Romans 12:9-21 Christians are strange people in the world.   On June 17, 2015, a young man came to Bible study at a church in.  The rest of the group welcomed him, even though…